Meet the cast: Robert Manning Jr. of 'The Christians'

Robert Manning. The Christians. Photo by John Moore. Robert Manning Jr. in the first rehearsal for the DCPA Theatre Company’s ‘The Christians.’ Photo by John Moore for the DCPA NewsCenter.

Associate Pastor Joshua in The Christians

At the Theatre Company: Debut. Broadway: Magic/Bird. Regional: Two Trains Running, Blues for an Alabama Sky, Othello, Macbeth and Defiance, 2008, 2010, 2012 NAACP Theatre Award Nominations. A few recent television credits include: “Person of Interest,” “Braindead” and “Master of None.” He would like to thank his parents and his lovely wife and children for their continued love and support.

  • Robert Manning Jr. The Christians Hometown: Titusville, Fla.
  • Training: University of Washington’s MFA Professional Acting Training Program
  • Web site:
  • What was the role that changed your life? I played
    Captain Lee King in the play Defiance performed at Pasadena Playhouse. Kevin Kilner, who plays Pastor Paul and his wife, Jordan Baker were also in that production. I was young, and it showed me that I halfway knew what I was doing. It also taught me about the industry in Los Angeles.
  • Why are you an actor? Aside from my family, it gets me out of bed every morning.
  • What would you be doing if you weren’t an actor: I would be a pediatrician. It was my path before I became an actor. I believe that would get me out of bed in the morning.
  • Ideal scene partner: Paul Robeson. He was the definition of class on and off the stage and screen. I would also like to know what it was like to have to have to use the kitchen entrance and then have to perform to an audience who gives you a standing ovation. In other words, I would like to pick his brain a bit on artistic and social issues of the time and see how they differ from today.
  • Why does The Christians matter? Like all good plays, it opens up a dialogue. I think this particular play speaks to both sides of the aisle, and that is rare.
  • What do you hope the audience gets out of seeing it? I want them to to enjoy the experience. I don’t feel this play has an agenda and that is what I find interesting and what I love about it.
  • Finish this sentence: “All I want is …”
    “.. for people to take the time to listen to one another, whether it’s something you want to hear or not.

The Christians
: Ticket information
The ChristiansA new play about the mystery of faith and what happens when a doctrinal controversy shakes the foundation of a large community church.

Through Feb. 26
Stage Theatre
ASL and Audio-Described matinee at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 12
303-893-4100 or BUY ONLINE

Selected previous NewsCenter coverage of The Christians:
Composer Gary Grundei on music to move the masses
Five things we learned at first rehearsal 
The Christians
is ‘a pathway to empathy
2016-17 season: Nine shows, two world premieres, return to classics

More 2016-17 ‘Meet the Cast’ profiles:

Steven J. Burge, An Act of God
Aubrey Deeker, The Glass Menagerie
Thaddeus Fitzpatrick, Frankenstein
Meridith C. Grundei, Frankenstein
Steven Cole Hughes, An Act of God
Sullivan Jones, Frankenstein
Mark Junek, Frankenstein
Charlie Korman, Frankenstein
Amelia Pedlow, The Glass Menagerie
Jessica Robblee, Frankenstein
Erik Sandvold, An Act of God
John Skelley, The Glass Menagerie

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