Tag Archive for: the reservoir

The Power of Generational Recipes

In the Denver Center Theatre Company’s production of The Reservoir, 20-something Josh remembers the Christmas cookies he would make with his grandmother, Irene, while growing up – no matter the season. When returning home as an adult, he’s eager to bake with her, only to discover her Alzheimer’s has quickly progressed. They won’t make any […]

A young man in a colorful sweater sits on a park bench next to his grandfather who is wearing a green track suit and a fedora. They are laughing and reading a book together

What is a Co-Production?

Longtime theatregoers may have noticed a growing trend in the industry of late — multi-theatre co-productions. But what exactly are they? And are they here to stay? On its face, a co-production is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a show that takes the stage as part of a partnership between two or more theatres, […]

Love on DCPA Stages in 2025

With February comes a month of love. Or at least one specific day for it: February 14. At the Denver Center for the Performing Arts, we love to uplift all kinds of stories. While Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, we want to highlight the different kinds of love that can be seen on our stages […]

Boosting Cognition with Memory Games

If genetics are any indication (fingers crossed), I will live a long, healthy life and have a better memory than my children. After all, my mom is 94 (95 next month. Happy birthday, Mom!) and knocks the socks off most people with her mental acuity. When we visit a doctor’s office, the good ol’ doc […]

A view over the water at Cherry Creek State Park

Along Cherry Creek on the Gateway to Denver

In the opening of The Reservoir, the narrator, Josh, wakes up to a gorgeous sunrise over the waters of Cherry Creek Reservoir, 14 miles southeast of Denver. It’s a fitting place to begin a play that takes place in Denver because Cherry Creek is also where Denver’s story begins. The pretty creek that flows into […]

Dance Exercise in the Denver Metro

Jazzercise is the original dance exercise program, combining dance and strength training in a fun, full-body workout. Since the 70’s, Jazzercise has been a mainstay for thousands looking for an engaging form of exercise. In the Denver Center Theatre Company’s world premiere play The Reservoir (Jan 17 – Mar 9, 2025), one of Josh’s grandmothers […]

20 Questions for Your Grandparents

In the world premiere production of The Reservoir, a young adult reconnects with his four grandparents in a time of need, finding surprising allies at his side. Unless you have a close relationship with your grandparents, generational gaps can make carrying on a conversation feel awkward or forced. Either way, there’s a great possibility your […]

Finding Your Way Through The Reservoir

The presentation of The Reservoir by the Denver Center Theatre Company marks a full-circle return for a Colorado playwright who grew up at this theatre. Jake Brasch is coming home in multiple ways for the world premiere of The Reservoir, his deeply personal play about addiction, Alzheimer’s, and inter-generational connections, soon to be in production […]

Full Cast & Creative Announced for World Premiere of The Reservoir

The Denver Center Theatre Company is excited to announce the full casting and creative team for the world premiere production of The Reservoir by Jake Brasch (our tempest, How to Draw a Triangle). The Reservoir will launch a co-production in Denver on January 17, 2025, and then transfer to Atlanta where it will start performances […]

Theatre Up Close with Chris Coleman & Leean Kim Torske

When embarking on the Denver Center Theatre Company’s 45th season, the DCPA wanted to invite audiences to experience theatre up close. So Artistic Director Chris Coleman and Director of Literary Programs Leean Kim Torske spoke with the Marketing Team about how each production may feel. Here, in their own words, are what excites them most […]