Tag Archive for: UCHealth

Music Therapy Can Change the Brain and Make People Feel Better

Have you ever listened to your favorite song and instantly felt energized and better prepared to face the day? Or, during those times when life feels extra hard, a certain tune lifted the mood, giving you the sense of community? These emotions, said Angela Wibben, Board-Certified Music Therapist at UCHealth, are totally normal. “If there […]

Actor in a silvery blue blazer holds Actress in a white sweater and headband as they exchange deep and heart felt looks

The Making of Shakespeare in the Parking Lot

The idea for Shakespeare in the Parking Lot came from teachers who wanted to bring to life the Bard’s beautiful plays to help students truly understand why the works have been so important for centuries. “It is meant as a dramatic text and meant to be performed rather than reading it like a novel,” said […]

Linda Klein and Barbara Gehring sit on a bed reading their diaries in The Secret Comedy of Women

Virtual Reality and Theatre Collide

We all need an escape sometime, especially patients stuck in a hospital room or receiving long medical treatments. Enter a virtual reality (VR) version of the comedic cabaret created by Barbara Ghering and Linda Klein. Through a partnership with the Denver Center for Performing Arts, UCHealth patients now have the opportunity to enjoy a virtual […]

UCHealth: The Importance of Play for All Ages

When kids play ball or make-believe while zipping through the backyard, they demonstrate good, healthy behaviors that parents encourage. But while playing proves natural for younger people, it turns out play is good for adults too, according to DCPA sponsor UCHealth. “When you think of play you probably have a visual of kids running and […]

the company of Hamilton Broadway Tour dances onstage

Broadway Playlists For Patients: What to listen to when healing

Put on the soundtrack to your favorite musical or listen to the latest album by a favored pop star to feel the difference a song makes. Does the music elevate the mood, get you going, or perhaps, relax you? There’s so much power when it comes to music, so it’s not surprising this art form […]

Actors dressed in cat costumes pose while they dance in CATS the musical

Dance For Your Health

While dance is something we can both do and watch for pleasure, the movement goes beyond entertainment. It’s actually good for your body and mind. “Dancing is excellent for your health, and it’s a wonderful example of an activity where art and sport meet,” said Dr. Joshua A. Metzl, MD, the head orthopedic physician for […]