Video: 2015 Henry Award Acceptance Speeches

Here are short excerpts from acceptance speeches by recipients of the Colorado Theatre Guild’s 2015 Henry Awards. The ceremony was held July 20 at the Arvada Center.

It was a huge night for the DCPA’s Billie McBride, who won three Henry Awards and presented another. She was honored for directing Vintage Theatre’s ‘Night Mother, which also won Outstanding Production of a Play. And she was named Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Play for her work in the DCPA Theatre Company’s world premiere play, Benediction. “Kent Thompson is a gentle and loving director,” she says, “and it’s just a beautiful play.”

In accepting the DCPA Theatre Company’s Outstanding Season by a Company Award, DCPA President and CEO Scott Shiller told those attending the ceremony: “The work that you are creating day in and day out is the envy of the nation. The fact that the NEA has just said that 52 percent of everybody who lives in the state of Colorado comes to attend live theatrical events, compared to 36 or 38 percent everywhere else in the country, is remarkable. And it doesn’t happen by accident. It happens because of the incredible storytellers who are here in this room. The DCPA is so honored to be a part of this theatrical community.”

You’ll also see Beth Malone accept the Outstanding Actress in a Musical Award for her work in The Unsinkable Molly Brown, and Colin Hanlon accept The 12‘s award as Outstanding New Play or Musical. 

To see performance highlights from the Henry Awards, click here.

The director of the awards ceremony was Jim Hunt.

Video by John Moore for the DCPA’s NewsCenter.

DCPA President and CEO Scott Shiller accepts the Theatre Company's Henry Award for Outstanding Season. Photo by John Moore.  DCPA President and CEO Scott Shiller accepts the Theatre Company’s Henry Award for Outstanding Season by a Company. Photo by John Moore. 

Previous NewsCenter coverage of the 2015 Henry Awards:
Colorado Theatre Guild honors DCPA with 11 Henry Awards
The Henry Awards: The complete list of nominations
Video: 2015 Henry Award performance highlights
Videos: Our memorial tributes to departed artists in 2014-15
Duck and cover: Gloria Shanstrom takes your Henry Awards questions
Beth Malone, Colin Hanlon will perform at Henry Awards
Guest essay by Margie Lamb: Something about the Henry Award doesn’t add up

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