We care about your wellbeing.
We care about your wellbeing.
As of Monday, March 28, 2022, the Denver Center for the Performing Arts will no longer require proof of COVID-19 vaccination or negative tests to attend indoor seated performances or classes. Also, face coverings will be optional in theatres and classrooms, and we ask our guests to respect individuals who choose to wear masks as a precaution.
Additionally, beverage sales will resume and may be enjoyed in the venues.
This decision has been made in response to low positivity levels and with guidance from local, state and federal officials. The DCPA will continually monitor CDC, state and local health requirements and make adjustments, as necessary. Individual touring productions may have their own health and safety requirements.
The DCPA would like to thank its patrons, visiting artists, students and team members who have complied with the COVID policy. We encourage patrons to continue to make responsible decisions about their health and ask individuals who feel unwell to stay home and contact the box office to discuss their ticketing options.
· Venue HVAC Systems: We have implemented measures in the ventilation system to follow ASHRE guidelines for recommended air filtrations and fresh air exchange in all DCPA indoor spaces.
· Restrooms & Sanitization Stations: Each Theatre restroom features touch-free fixtures for your safety. They are cleaned and sanitized prior to your visit. Additionally, hand sanitizer dispensers are in various locations throughout the complex.
Additionally, the City of Denver’s division of Arts & Venues is implementing similar procedures in the Buell Theatre, Ellie Caulkins Opera House and Boettcher Concert Hall. These safety measures include:
· Venue HVAC Systems: We have implemented measures in the ventilation system to follow guidelines for recommended filters and fresh air exchange.
· Restrooms & Sanitization Stations: Each venue restroom features touch-free fixtures for your safety. They will be cleaned and sanitized prior to your visit. Additionally, hand sanitizer dispensers are in various locations throughout the complex.