A delightfully unconventional and fun adaptation of Jane Austen’s classic comedy.
Ever the romantic, Emma Woodhouse prides herself on being the best matchmaker in town. Goaded by her friend George Knightley, she sets out on a quest to set up the adorable ingénue Harriet with a fitting suitor. But love has its own agenda with plenty of twists and turns in store – including a few for Emma herself.
This rendition of Emma is a joyous, irreverent take in conversation with the Regency novel. In a new adaptation that’s a bit zany and refreshingly contemporary, playwright Kate Hamill infuses the language and perspectives of today into Austen’s beloved characters. You may be surprised by who says what — and how. One thing’s for sure, you’ll never see Emma the same way again.
Accessible Performance
Apr 28 at 1:30pm
To buy tickets in optimal seating locations for ASL, Audio Description, or Open Captioning services, use the appropriate promo code noted below before selecting seats. For optimal service, call the box office at 303.893.4100.
Sign Language promo code: ASL
Audio Description promo code: AUDIO
Open Captioning promo code: OCAP
Learn more about other access services
Cast Talkback
Apr 18 & Apr 30 at 7:00pm
Join a fun and engaging discussion with the actors after the performance.
Stage Managers
Anne M. Jude, Sage Hughes
Choreography by
Emily Michaels King
Set & Costume Design by
Lex Liang
Sound Design By
Palmer Hefferan
Lighting Design by
Jackie Fox and Paul Toben
Dramaturgy by
Leean Kim Torske
Voice and Dialect By
Jill Walmsley Zager
Casting by
Grady Soapes, CSA
Katja Zarolinski, CSA
Directed By
Meredith McDonough
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