The cast of Kimberly Akimbo dances together onstage

5 Anagrams to Test Your Skills

The cast of Kimberly Akimbo poses for a photo during a birthday party

The Original Broadway Company of KIMBERLY AKIMBO. Photo by Joan Marcus

Denver will host the national touring premiere of KIMBERLY AKIMBO, playing the Buell Theatre September 22-October 5, 2024. Cast members in the Tony-winning musical tackle making many words from one, showcased in the song “Anagram.” Enjoy a video of the original cast music video of “Anagram” before testing your skills. And remember, you can only use each letter one time.

  1. How many words of six (6) letters or more can you make from the word: Broadway
  2. How many words of six (6) letters or more can you make from the word: Theatre
  3. How many words of six (6) letters or more can you make from: Premiere
  4. How many words of four (4) letters or more can you make from: Denver
  5. How many words of seven (7) letters or more can you make from: KimberlyAkimbo


According to The Word Finder, you can create many more words from the phrases above.

Broadway creates 117 words
Theatre creates 97 words
Premiere creates 58 words
Denver creates 46 words
KimberlyAkimbo creates 682 words

Test yourself! See how many you can discover. Enjoy!
(Answers listed below.)

Sep 22-Oct 5, 2024 • Buell Theatre


1: “Broadway” makes eight words with six letters or more (roadway, aboard, abroad, bawdry, bayard, boyard, byroad, byword)

2: “Theatre” makes nine words with six letters or more (theater, thereat, aether, hatter, heater, hereat, reheat, tether, threat)

3: “Premiere” makes nine words with six letters or more (epimere, preemie, premier, eerier, empire, epimer, peerie, premie, primer)

4: “Denver” makes 23 words with four letters or more (nerved, vender, ender, erven, nerve, never, verde, deer, dene, dere, dree, erne, even, ever, need, neer, nerd, neve, rede, reed, rend, veer, vend)

5: “KimberlyAkimbo” makes 41 words with seven letters or more (airmobile, memorably, imbalmer, immobile, memorial, mirabile, airlike, armlike, balkier, balmier, barmily, beamily, belabor, biblike, bikable, bilayer, biliary, bramble, brambly, embroil, imbiber, immoral, kilobar, lambier, limbier, loamier, lobbyer, malimbe, malmier, miliary, milkbar, milkier, mirkily, myeloma, oaklike, oarlike, ramilie, raylike, riblike, yobbier, yolkier)