Enjoy the best stories and perspectives from the theatre world today.
Enjoy the best stories and perspectives from the theatre world today.
The second live stream of the Mixed Taste: At Home lecture series.
Our summer lecture series got artsy and a little smelly with night two. Mixed Taste, co-presented with MCA Denver, combines two totally different topics for one evening of fun and weirdness and last night was no different.
In case you missed out, you can still watch the whole thing on our YouTube channel, where it will live until the end of time or the end of the Internet (whichever comes first).
If you don’t have an hour to watch it (though really, you deserve some “me time”), here’s a quick round-up of the highlights and fun facts you can throw out the next time you have that awkward pre-Zoom meeting time with the one other person who showed up early.
Mark G. Falcone Director at MCA Denver Nora Burnett Abrams speaking on Keith Haring.
3 things Nora Burnett Abrams (Mark G. Falcone Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver) taught us about Keith Haring:
Nicola Twilley speaking about Smog Meringues.
3 things Nicola Twilley (co-host of the award-winning Gastropod podcast and a frequent contributor to The New Yorker) taught us about smog meringues:
A Poetic Ending with Mahogany
At the end of the night, we wrap up with a poem from a local poet inspired by both topics and written during the course of the evening.
Taste the Rainbow
Written By: Kenya Mahogany Fashaw
When I was just 6 years old
I noticed my first rainbow
I looked up
At all the different colors
Curved over my head
Making a beautifully, deliciously sweet arch.
I wondered
what does that illumination taste like
Then boom
Taste The Rainbow
The rainbow
Harvesting sugary crystals
Tucked between the buds of my tounge
The seed of the egg foam
Sends Vibrations of vibranium
Magic to my lungs
Keith Haring,
I can’t help but to taste your graffiti
The joy it pours into my eyes
Taste the semiotic messages you create
In your cortex
Hulucinacting chalked symbols
Inhaled in your high end
Pop art
Mix the abstract of smog to form
A dish I hope I can handle
You know what
I know I can handle
Shots of pollution
Dripping from my lips
Wreeking passion
Art, and flavor
In the New york subway walls
Images that function like words
Screaming for political change
With every stroke
People Dancing in formation
Mosiac Humans
No faces
And oh so delicious
People Moving Atlanta meringue magnetically
Leaving a taste so sweet
That It impacts the climate of the community
So Don’t believe the hype
Images can speak all 5 love languages
No doubt
The taste of the air around you
If you’re in Greely.
may make you throw up
Or even pass out
How fortunate for us humans
To be Artist
In every single way naturally
To be free
With all the colors we create
That we can also taste and see.
As fun as a round-up is, it can’t compare to the real thing. Sign-up for reminders about future Mixed Taste: At Home events happening every Wednesday at 7pm MT through August 19.
Upcoming Topics:
Wed, July 29 at 7pm MT
Napping & Slovenian Zombies
Featuring Maya Kroth & Nancy Wadsworth
Wed, Aug 5 at 7pm MT
Augmented Reality & The Cult of the Dead
Featuring Till Nowak & Elizabeth Harper
Wed, Aug 12 at 7pm MT
Church Signs & Icelandic Hip Hop
Featuring Joe York & Nathan Hall
Wed, Aug 19 at 7pm MT
Zeno’s Paradox & Artivism
Featuring Elisabeth Stade & Suzi Q. Smith
Mixed Taste was originated by the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver
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With additional support by:
Peggy Finley