Jamie Ann Romero smiles onstage during Cebollas rehearsal

Follow the Phrases in Cebollas

When three sisters on a road trip from Albuquerque to Denver interject a bit of Spanglish into the conversation, it reflects the language style of many bi-lingual households in America today. While English-only audiences watching Cebollas do not lose any of the intention by not knowing these Spanish words or phrases, we asked the play’s dramaturg, Xiomara Cornejo, to provide a Spanish Translation Glossary so that our audiences can follow the dialogue and not miss a beat. Enjoy!

Spanish WordEnglish Translation
AhoritaRight now
BombaA bomb
BurqueNew Mexican term for Albuquerque
ClaroOf course
Come que?What do you mean?
HermanitasLittle sisters
I swear que sí!I swear it’s true!
JitaShort for “Mijita,” which translates to “little one,” a common term of endearment for a female
ManitaShort for “Hermanita,” which translates to “little sister”
MaquinitasSlot machines
Mi noviaMy girlfriend
Porque? No me digas!Why? Don’t tell me!
PrimasFemale cousins
Que suaveHow smooth
Que tienes, corazon?What’s wrong, sweetheart?
QuitateOutta my way
Serio?Are you serious?
Te recuerdas?Do you remember?
Te watchoI’ll be keeping my eye on you
Tu abuelitaYour grandmother
Verdad?For real?
Viejita en el barrioOld lady in the neighborhood

Jan 26-Mar 10, 2024 · Singleton Theatre