Tag Archive for: SCFD

Area Anniversaries Worth Attending

Colorado is always bursting with new attractions, organizations, and events — and we’re fortunate that our citizens support them with attendance and enthusiasm. The miners, merchants and other settlers who streamed into Colorado quickly established centers of arts and culture, building an opera house in 1878 and forming a symphony in 1892. Many other institutions […]

Fun in the Colorado Sun

This year, summer officially runs from June 20 through September 19, which means that Denver will see approximately 70 days of sunshine. While that won’t quite live up to the PR-spin that the railroads used to attract visitors in the late 1800s, it is more than enough to lure the locals to step outside and […]

Colorado Culture: A 3,033% Return on Investment

Imagine, if you will, investing one penny of every $10 you spend. If you multiply that by 10%, which is the average stock market return, you get, what? $67* in a year? Not if you are taxpayers in the seven-county metro area. Instead, they just got a 3,033% return on their investment in the SCFD […]

You Make Culture Happen

You make culture happen. How often are you the subject of a News Center item from us? Today you are. Because today, we are sending our thanks to you for your ongoing support of the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District, SCFD. Even if you don’t recognize the name, your support helps to fund our organization […]

SCFD: We Fund Culture

“WeFundCulture” isn’t just a hashtag. In the Denver metro area, it is entirely true to say, we fund culture. Beyond the tickets you buy for shows, theater, concerts, museums, festivals, dance and a host of other cultural events and experiences, our community dedicates specific tax dollars to supporting more than 300 cultural organizations. Through the […]

SCFD board: Unanimous vote to stay the course

SCFD board chair Dan Hopkins: “We have a fundamental agreement that the Tier II and IIIs deserve more money. The conversation is over how much.”