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Enjoy the best stories and perspectives from the theatre world today.
You make culture happen.
How often are you the subject of a News Center item from us?
Today you are. Because today, we are sending our thanks to you for your ongoing support of the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District, SCFD. Even if you don’t recognize the name, your support helps to fund our organization and nearly 300 others across the Denver metro area. Every time you spend $10, one penny of the tax you pay goes to the SCFD. That means more than $80 million in 2022 for arts, scientific and cultural organizations in Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas and Jefferson counties.
Metro area voters created the district more than 30 years ago. Since then, voters have reauthorized its continuation three times, most recently in 2016. During that time, arts, scientific and cultural organizations have grown in number and vibrancy. Today, more than 100 free days are offered across the seven-county metro area thanks to your support of the SCFD and ticket prices across a variety of other experiences are more affordable.
The district is unique in the nation for its funding model and the breadth of support it provides. But that’s not why you should support it. You should support it because you, and people just like you created it to protect and sustain the experiences you have loved for decades. So thank you for the wonder you have helped to create.