5 Tips for Your Next Audition

By: Madison Stout

Have an audition coming up? Here are some quick auditioning tips from DCPA Casting Director Grady Soapes and Head of Acting Tim McCracken.

  1. Be prepared to the best of your ability.
    1. Know WHO you are auditioning for: Who is the director, what do you know about the theater?
    2. Know WHAT you are auditioning for: Did you read the play or script (if given to you)?
    3. Have you rehearsed your scene or monologue and identified all of the important givens, etc? Have you made specific choices?
  2. Visualize the room.
    SEE what you are going to see when you go into the room. Visualize WHO is in the room: Just the director? Director, casting director, and playwright? If you don’t know, ask the monitor, if there is a convenient time to do so.
  3. BE YOURSELF in the room.
    Don’t try to be “bubbly” or something you are not…let your audition do the talking, show and/or offer who you are and what you’ve got, by your audition. DON’T sell yourself, to anyone, by pushing in the meet and greet.
    Take your time. Take a moment before you begin your first beat of the monologue or scene. When you finish, take a moment to complete the last beat and let it land before breaking off.
  5. The 3 “S”
    1. Simplicity: It’s easy to want to be BIG during an audition, you don’t need to. Don’t overdo it.
    2. Storytelling: The goal of the audition is to be the most convincing at telling your story.
    3. Stillness: Sometimes the most powerful part of an audition isn’t your physicality, but your voice.

If you would like additional support to prepare for your next audition, inquire about audition workshops and coaching at DCPA Education.