DCPA President and CEO Scott Shiller steps down

This article was published on May 27, 2016

By Suzanne Yoe

Denver Center for the Performing Arts’ President and CEO Scott Shiller and Chairman Daniel L. Ritchie announced Mr. Shiller’s resignation today, Friday, May 27.

Scott Shiller

Mr. Shiller joined the DCPA 12 months ago as its second Chief Executive Officer, succeeding Mr. Ritchie. Over the course of his time, he was committed to expanding the DCPA’s reach into the community and reflecting the region’s growing diversity on stage. Most notably, he established the Fund for Innovation that provides resources to expand the scope of theatre to ensure that it remains relevant and reflective of new audiences; expanded the DCPA’s role in education to become a co-presenter of the DPS Shakespeare Festival, and was instrumental in developing programming to entice Denver’s booming millennial generation.

“The Denver Center takes great pride in the substantial progress the organization has made under Scott’s leadership,” said Chairman Ritchie. “He has led an exemplary team of theatre professionals during his time at the DCPA and we will work to expand his vision to reach into the community to reflect the growing diversity of the Denver metro area.”

“I am pleased to have led the organization to a series of programmatic, financial and operational achievements over the last twelve months,” said Shiller, which includes a record-setting Broadway season, the critically acclaimed production of Sweeney Todd and the establishment of the Fund for Innovation, which will ensure theatre remains relevant and reflective of new audiences. “Because of the DCPA’s dedicated staff, Denver just wouldn’t be Denver without the DCPA.”

Chairman Dan Ritchie will resume the role of CEO. He will work with the Board and Executive Staff to conduct a search for a leader who will continue to move the DCPA forward as a key player in Denver’s vibrant cultural community.

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