Tag Archive for: Shakespeare in the Parking Lot

Actor in a silvery blue blazer holds Actress in a white sweater and headband as they exchange deep and heart felt looks

The Making of Shakespeare in the Parking Lot

The idea for Shakespeare in the Parking Lot came from teachers who wanted to bring to life the Bard’s beautiful plays to help students truly understand why the works have been so important for centuries. “It is meant as a dramatic text and meant to be performed rather than reading it like a novel,” said […]

An actor places a crown on her head during a performance of Macbeth

Shakespeare Returns to a Parking Lot Near You

Shakespeare in the Parking Lot is a testament to the magic of live theatre, reaching audiences in unexpected ways; whether they are performing in an under-served community, making Shakespeare relatable to a teenager, or sparking an interest in the arts in a child. The Denver Center for the Performing Arts (DCPA) is immensely proud of […]

An actor raises his arm while performing in Macbeth for Shakespeare in the Parking Lot

Shakespeare in the Parking Lot Returns with Free Community Performances

“Something [fantastic] this way comes!” Let’s face it. Shakespeare can be confusing. “Thee” and “thou” can often sound like a foreign language. But enter Shakespeare in the Parking Lot…stage right. DCPA’s Education and Community Engagement Department returns with its popular program for a seventh season. And these aren’t your typical performances. Shakespeare in the Parking […]

DCPA Education Takes the Stage in ThesCon

If you’ve been to downtown Denver in mid-summer, you might have encountered creatures from a different planet…known locally as FAN EXPO but known nationally as Comic Con. That one weekend a year when sci-fi enthusiasts convene to embody their favorite character, meet celebrities and delve into all things comic-sci-fi-horror-anime-gaming. Fast forward six months and you […]

An actor places a crown on her head during a performance of Macbeth

Taking Theatre to the Community: Shakespeare in the Parking Lot Returns

The Denver Center for the Performing Arts’ commitment to community performances goes back before Shakespeare in the Parking Lot, before its DCPAccess $10 ticket program, even before its founding in 1979. In fact, the very fabric of the DCPA was rooted in community because its benefactress, the late Helen Bonfils, made it her mission. When […]

A young student in a DCPA Dramatic Learning workshop lays on the floor with a piece of paper

Arts Exposure = Academic Excellence

Students involved in the arts are 4x more likely to be recognized for academic achievement and 3 more likely to win an award for attendance. Children need a solid foundation to thrive, but not every child has the same building blocks. Whether it’s poverty or access or cost or simply a parent who is stretched […]

actor stands on pickup truck during Shakespeare in the Parking Lot performance

“Something [fantastic] this way comes”; Shakespeare in the Parking Lot Returns with Macbeth and More!

DCPA Education’s Shakespeare in the Parking Lot program is returning for its seventh season. This spring, three Shakespeare productions will go on tour throughout the community and visit area schools. And these aren’t your typical performances. Shakespeare in the Parking Lot is exactly what it sounds like — stripped-down, abridged versions of Romeo and Juliet, […]

Lower Bubble

Is this Shakespeare which I see before me?

This season is all about returning favorites — A Christmas Carol, Camp Christmas, Hip Hop Nutcracker and Shakespeare!?! While Romeo and Juliet isn’t on the season lineup, it returned — for free — as part of DCPA Education’s Shakespeare in the Parking Lot program.

Denver Center for the Performing Arts offers radio play of Romeo and Juliet free to schools and community

Grants from National Endowment for the Arts and Morgridge Family Foundation make DCPA’s Shakespeare in the Parking Lot possible DENVER, CO – Teaching artists at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts are excited to bring Shakespeare to students throughout the state as an expansion of the organization’s popular Shakespeare in the Parking Lot program. DCPA […]