Thomas Beeker stands at a podium

Thomas Beeker Receives Finalist Scholarship at Jimmy Awards

Thomas Beeker, Best Actor winner at the 2022 Bobby G’s, made it to the Top Eight at the National High School Musical Theatre Awards®, also known as the Jimmy Awards®. The Jimmy Awards® took place on June 27 at the Minskoff Theatre in New York City. After a week of workshops, coaching, and training with theatre […]

A Spectacular Saturday Night Alive

Talk about a spectacular Spectacular! Saturday Night Alive 2022 transported 500 guests to the glamour and glitz of the Moulin Rouge. Held on June 25, the DCPA’s 41st annual fundraiser raised more than $830,000 for arts and education. Lynn & Kevin McDonald of the Genesee Mountain Foundation were honored with the Daniel L. Ritchie Spotlight […]

Continuing Your Artistic Journey

The Denver Center for the Performing Arts’ Education program takes pride in its ability to offer classes for students from three to a hundred and three. From eager and imaginative students to seasoned professionals honing their craft, everyone has opportunities. “We have some folks who join that are just beginning their journey as actors,” Head […]

A whiteboard covered with text on acting techniques

Intro to Acting: A First-Hand Account

I hadn’t stepped foot in a classroom since my senior year of college. And even then – my last class was my Senior Seminar, where my classmates and I laughed and talked while procrastinating submitting our theses.   But I’ve always been interested in learning and exercising my brain. Life can get boring if you’re not […]

Two actors argue on set in a DCPA class

Spring Classes Photo Recap

Spring Education classes at the DCPA are wrapping up but it’s time to get excited about taking a class this summer! We offer a wide range of classes for children, teens, and adults. Whether you’re a seasoned actor looking to enhance your improv skills, you have a child interested in theatre, or you just want […]

5 Reasons to Take Private Acting Coaching

This week, the DCPA Theatre Company holds local and national auditions for its upcoming 2022/23 season. Whether you practice your monologue in the mirror, run lines with your BFF, or repeat “she sells sea shells by the seashore” 10 times fast, there are other ways to prep for the BIG day. Whether you are a […]

A group of actors wearing MoCap Suits pose for a photo

Adult Education Students: Making their Mark in Video Games

The Denver Center for the Performing Arts’ Education program offers a wide range of classes from introduction to acting, scene study, stage combat, and more. A unique part of the program is that teaching artists largely continue to work within the theatre community, providing students a rich learning opportunity. One such teaching artist, Sylvia Gregory, […]

Middle School Improv Short Form

Scene: An Improv Class For Teens

“Bee, beeeee!” screamed Sam Charney as they ran across the stage of the Randy Weeks Conservatory Theatre during one of the many games the improv class was doing. They ducked behind the other character on stage as Teaching Artist Heather Curran gasped, “Is there really a bee here?” “No,” said Sam, pausing the action. “I’m […]

A child poses with his craft at the Dia del Nino celebration

DCPA Will Celebrate Día del Niño in Partnership with the Mexican Cultural Center

In addition to Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, there is a special day to celebrate children: Día del Niño, or Day of the Child. A holiday that originated in Mexico in 1925, this day is meant to recognize the importance of children in our society and to promote their wellbeing. Now, it is celebrated all […]

Actors listen intently as their DCPA Education instructor speaks

Five Reasons Why Adults Should Take a Class This Summer

There are countless reasons why adults should take an acting class. Both actors and non-actors alike can use the summer months to learn a new skill or refine the tools in their toolbox. As the weather warms up and folks get antsy to socialize, interacting with new faces is one of the many benefits of […]